Friday, November 23, 2012

One last post

From what I have learned in this course, many biomes and ecosystems undergo damage through agriculture. It does not matter if it is commercial or substantial. What is known is that if the rate of agriculture rises, it will destabilize the Mojave ecosystem.

Fire and Resource Assessment Program
According to the table above, agriculture will rise more than 10% in the next 18 years. That is a great amount of land damage in an ecosystem that cannot afford any more disruptions. 

Considering the Mojave contains succulent cacti, there may be less species that can become adaptable to water. This is because in the past 30 years the Mojave has seen less rain fall. This planet is overpopulated, creating an increase in supply and demand for food and energy. Thus companies need to scrap land for their agriculture and burn more fossil fuels, leaving more [CO2] in the atmosphere while biological processes are trying to keep up with stabilizing it (which will take centuries). Global warming is evident and change in weather patterns causes freak storms in certain parts of the world and droughts in areas that need water. 

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