Sunday, November 18, 2012

Still researching...

Henceforth I am beginning to blog about the Mojave Desert. I have been researching for a few weeks and have come to appreciate this ecosystem for a vast amount of years. There is always something personal between myself and the desert. For instance, my favorite flower (California poppy) blooms beautifully in the Antelope Valley. Also, the route to Las Vegas (my second home) is through the Mojave. Yet there is always a beautiful scenery that the majority of people miss out on and nature's beauty is the average person's loss.

I have noticed certain trade-offs in this eco-friendly and environmentally conscience avant-garde society. Slowly, it is becoming taboo to burn fossil fuels and the new energy is reusable. The problem with reusable energy is its efficiency (which engineers and scientists need to improve on by the way) and its installation. Wind and solar farms are installed in the Mojave Desert and it is obvious why. However, good intentions brings a toll to the ecosystem. I'll get to this point in another post. 

It is best to think about the beauty of the Mojave desert and see the benefit it brings us. We can learn so much from visiting this magnificent desert. Not only is its plant and wildlife awe worthy, but its geology and lack of light pollution as well. 

However, there are many unpleasant scenes in the Mojave that must be made aware of and acted upon. Wind farms and solar farms are built in the desert in order to benefit society in the long run. That is understandable. But what about the issues with land usage for these farms? What about the endangered species in this ecosystem? And what is up with the airplane wasteland? 

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